I kinda love this character, but even though I drew his New 52 look here, I didn’t read his New 52 book. He appeared once in Earth 2 before I dropped that series. It’s too bad. He was a great character. Fuck DC. So, because I am a 35 year old man, I spent my …
Tag: Mr. Terrific
258. Mr. Terrific
Terry Sloane, the original Mr. Terrific, had a Mr. Terrible costume. A very long time after his death, he was replaced by Michael Holt and got a pretty sweet updated outfit. Even the New 52 version of Holt’s costume was neat. Unfortunately, that’s all I had in mind while trying to come up with a …
033 – Mr. Terrific
As I think I mentioned when I did The Spectre piece earlier, I was a big fan of the John Ostrander/Tom Mandrake run on the book. During the later part of their story, they introduced Michael Holt as a suicidal man that The Spectre helps out by telling Holt the life story of Terry Sloan, …