Tag: superheroes

056 – SPACE Sketch 5

055 – SPACE Sketch 4

Ok, PANIC!: Funny Superheroes

Proud of this. Inspired by Kyle Baker.

054 – SPACE Sketch 3

053 – Prince Randian

Another SPACE sketch, this one of The Living Torso, Prince Randian, best known from the movie Freaks, which at one time I was going to adapt into a graphic novel, until I found out that a much better artist than me had already done it like 12 years ago.

052 – SPACE Sketch

Over the weekend, my friends Pat,

051 – Stick figure

Failed experiment.

050 – Arachno-Man

Another Marvel Evil Doppelganger thing. This one… eh. It’s really hard to make a variant or redesign of the Spider-Man costume that hasn’t already been done. Plus, what my pal Jim pointed out in the comments on The Devil piece from yesterday, I’m not exactly grasping the whole “Earth-3” concept properly. I’ll give it a …

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049 – The Devil

Inspired by my Crime Syndicate drawings, I decided to make up Crime Syndicate versions of Marvel characters. I’ve only got two so far, and I also plan on finishing out the DC CSA line-up. And also recolor them in the future when I have more time. So here we have The Devil. Young Matt Murdock …

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048 – Johnny Quick

Johnny Quick is the Crime Syndicate’s evil Flash, who mainlines a (literal) speed drug. Not as awesome as any Reverse Flash, and not the heroic Golden Age Johnny Quick. Oh well. He looks cool (the original CSA Johnny Quick does not).