Tag: Batman

216 – Robin

Damien Wayne, Robin IV – a character I despised when introduced and has since grown on me. I tried to make the drawing look as tough as possible and yet also look like a 10 year old. I don’t know that I succeeded.

214 – Huntress

Let’s see if Jim Lee made this character even more ridiculously slutty looking in the DCnU.

211 – Babyface and Mrs. Manface

I’ve been watching a TON of the Batman: Brave and the Bold cartoon, which – other than the many (many) musical numbers – I’ve decided is the best television show in which Batman is the star. Ever. So, I drew a couple villains from the show – Babyface and his wife, Mrs. Manface. Other than …

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Ok, PANIC!: Batman Villains

This may be one of the best things I’ve ever colored.

183 – Dick Grayson

And with this, I am at the halfway point of daily drawings and sketches. I’m pretty sure that I will not be continuing to do this after a year, but I definitely feel that I am over the block I felt last year (when Adam Hughes ruined my life). But enough about that, there’s still …

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177 – Scarecrow

176 – Red Hood

Jason Todd is a character who serves a greater purpose when he’s dead, and I can’t think of a more useless, awful character running around the DCU for the useless and awful reasons he is. Until Grant Morrison wrote the character during his Batman and Robin run, and spent three issues pointing out what a …

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148 – Bat-Mite

Another request for Joe Grunenwald (who hasn’t updated his blog in almost two months). The only comics I’ve read with Bat-Mite in them are the Evan Dorkin World’s Funnest Bat-Mite/Mxyzptlk team-up/battle, and the Grant Morrison Batman: RIP storyline, which was hilarious. But I do remember him from the old Batman cartoon I used to watch …

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139 – Li'l Nightwing

128 – Batman in Culottes

Over on Twitter, comic writer Gail Simone started a meme, drawings of Batman wearing Culottes. I thought, hey, I like Batman, I like making fun of Batman, and I draw. I also do a drawing a day, for which I have nothing yet for today. 10 minutes during lunch, and ta-daa.