Tag: Batman


Is it a cliche to say that Joker is the best comic book villain ever? Sure. But it’s also true. Played out a bit? Also true, but still will always be awesome. Except when played by Heath Ledger as Al Franken.

Batman: Fruit Pies

A parody of the old Hostess superhero ads. I miss this element in comics. Occasionally you see ads featuring superheroes, but A) they’re usually pandering, patronizing PSAs like “Jimmy, you shouldn’t smoke!” “Drugs are whack, yo!” or “Stop fisting your sister!” 2) they’re always poorly drawn and written. Sure the hostess ads ain’t high art, …

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Work Doodles

More work doodles. Gel pens are fun.

Hawkgirl (30)

I’m old today. This is definitely not where I saw myself at the age of 30. 2008 has been a definite shit year for me, mostly of my own design. The comic thing is still a definite goal for me, but I work slowly. I want my projects to mean something personally to me. I …

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