Tag: digital


239a. Chameleon

Paul Jenkins once wrote a fantastic Chameleon story that I feel was sorta the Killing Joke for his character. But no one paid attention.


238a. Scorpion

238. Aquaman

Happy Batman Day!

237a. Hammerhead

Just like you shouldn’t read the comments on any article on the internet, sometimes you shouldn’t read the wiki backstory on certain characters. Sometimes once fine throwaway characters get convulted in ridiculous – even for comics – dumb bullshit and you find their existence regrettable.

236a. J. Jonah Jameson

235a. Kraven the Hunter

I remember Kraven from Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends… I think? Did he drink potions from his tooth belt that gave him powers? Is that a thing? Then I remember zombie hallucination Kraven from Todd McFarlane’s Adjectiveless Spider-Man (which for whatever reason, I’ve got a hankerin’ for re-collecting Toddy McF drawn comics again). It wasn’t …

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I’ve been slacking on the Spider-villain bonuses, just lack of time. But here’s a bonus fun thing I drew tonight.

233. Rick Sanchez

Wubba lubba dub dub, muthafuckas! (“I am in great pain, please help me, motherfuckers!”)