Tag: Marvel Comics

444. The Blob

443. Mister Sinister

439. Magneto

If there’s ever a case of me seeing EVERY SINGLE flaw and error in a drawing, it’s here. Jesus, what a clusterfuck this was.

438. Professor X

I might start doing X-Men villain portrait sketches (much like the Bat & Spider Villains I tackled last year). Might as well start with the greatest, most vile, evil X-Men villain of them all.

433. Spider-Man

Much like yesterday’s, I’m a big fan of this one too.

428. Punisher

426. Nightcrawler

406. Captain Marvel

Listen, I like Carol Danvers. I like that she has taken the name of Captain Marvel. But the DC Captain Marvel will never be anything but Captain Marvel to me. They can share. Because, otherwise, won’t someone think of the kids? By kids, I mean Freddie Freeman and Mary Batson. What are they now, Shazam …

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405. D-Man

The bastard offspring of Wolverine & Daredevil. Just because I was talking about this dude with a friend last night. I can’t wait for his Marvel Cinematic debut in Avengers 6: The Barrel Scrape Saga.


So, the other day, comic writer Kurt Busiek wrote some tweets about Dr. Strange. His theory (and a compelling one), is that when Ditko created the character, Strange was originally supposed to be of Asian descent. He was originally drawn with the slanted, thin eyes, and same skin coloring as The Ancient One in the …

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