Tag: sketch cards

617. Dr. Creep

INKTOBER THEME WEEK 2: Horror Hosts My hometown and childhood Horror Host. You can do some searching and see other work I’ve done involving the late, great Barry Hobart – aka Dr. Creep. The entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for 5 bucks, or as a theme set (7 cards total) …

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615. Peter C.

If I ever am flipping through the channels and I see Peter Cushing in a movie, I’ll stop and watch. Guys, he’s the real villain of Star Wars, not that Vader schmuck. Also, he was in a movie I watched as a kid called “Tales from the Crypt”, an anthology horror film. If you’ve never …

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613. Lon, Jr.

It’s Senior’s kid. Also, I failed spectacularly at this likeness, even in caricature form. You’d think he’d had a distinctive enough face, it wouldn’t be that difficult. I feel like I was more successful at drawing Walter Mathau than anything else. Ah well. The entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for …

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611. Bela

Good evening. So for the entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for 5 bucks, or as a theme set (7 cards total) for 25. If you want one, let me know, asap via email or other means. At the end of the week, I’ll post the set on my store.

610. Boris

INKTOBER THEME WEEK #1: Classic Horror Actors. I’ve actually been wanting to draw a portrait of Karloff for a while, but didn’t have the time ’til now. So for the entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for 5 bucks, or as a theme set (7 cards total) for 25. If you …

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Inktober Announcement

Inktober’s coming around. It usually means nothing to me since I post a drawing everyday anyway, but I’mma try something this year. I’m gonna draw ’em all (in ink) on Artist Trading Cards, and I’m gonna do 4 theme weeks and I’m gonna make each card (or theme set) for sale SUPER cheap. Keep yer …

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512. Joker

Hey, what if I drew the Ceasar Romero version of the Joker? Well, sir, it would look like ass.

040 – Saint Sebastian

Yesterday was the lady’s birthday. She collects Artist Trading Cards, and we agreed to trade back when we first started dating. Almost immediately, she painted a Blue Beetle for me. And I did nothing. I’m a bit of a procrastinator and kind of a horrible guy. Finally, though, I drew this card to give to …

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105 – Joker

Joker on post-it with highlighters & pen.