Tag: Veggie Dog Saturn


This character was requested by Jason Young. Jason asked if I was going to draw his weapon. I said no. So Jason drew his right arm and the weapon. It’s a collaboration. A Collabo-Jason!

168a. Conrad

Today’s bonus is not a Batman villain (although it’d be awesome if it were!). I’m headed out to SPACE today with my pals Joe G. and Juliet. It’s a yearly Small Press and Comic Expo in Columbus, OH. I’ve been frequently, usually setting up a table with my pal Jason Young (who will be there …

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439. Veggie Dog Saturn

I decided to draw the lead character from the comic series Veggie Dog Saturn as an old man for no particular reason.


B-b-b-bonus-s-s-s-s-s sketch! My soon to be retired pal Jason drew this for me upon request.

Ok, PANIC!: Underground Comics

The most underground comics I could think of were Kurt Dinse’s One Year in Indiana and Jason Young’s Veggie Dog Saturn.