494. Proudstar

Which one? ‘Sup to you!

493. Snake Plissken

By request. I like the idea of Snake Plissken movies. I watched Escape from New York for the first time a few years ago. I did not care for it. In fact, I kinda don’t care for many John Carpenter movies. Sure, I really like some (The Thing, Starman, In the Mouth of Madness), but I can do without ever seeing any of his other movies again. Or perhaps, any movie he makes in the future.

492. He-Man

By request, but not in this particular form. I don’t know why I chose to do it this way.

Thursday, I went to see Amazing Spider-Man 2. This morning, I watched the new X-Men movie. I will talk about them on the next Stupid Sexy Podcast – if there is one. Tonight, though I watched Escape from Tomorrow, a bizarre guerilla film, shot mostly at Disneyland and Disney World without any authorization from Disney. Beyond that initial gimmick, there is nothing worth watching about this movie.



I’m gonna see Amazing Spider-Man 2. Even after my mom ruined the ending for me.


488. Bat-Girl

By request.

487. Ace, the Bat-Hound

By request.

486. Batman Returns

Batman Returns was on the television today (BBC America – followed by Batman Forever which I fell asleep 5 minutes into). When the movie came out when I was a kid (13 years old?), I used to draw this costume all the time and it’s kind of always stuck with me – probably in a bad way. I still enjoy the movie, but fully realize that Burton’s Batman films aren’t as good as anyone remembers. For the most part, Schumacher’s aren’t as bad as people say either. And Nolan’s just aren’t good at all. And I have zero hope for anything currently happening in the DC Comics cinema pipeline. Or the comics, really. I’m down to buying two a month (Wonder Woman and Batman ’66).