514. The Count

I haven’t done this in a while – a week of requests dictated by one of my friends. So, here we begin Kathleen Coyle Week! First up on Kat’s wishlist: Count Von Count!

513. Green Arrow

I finally caught up on Arrow this morning as I was drawing, so hence today’s sketch and why I included Arrow’s most famous catchphrase even though this doodle is of the golden age era G.A.

Ooh, also last night, I watched the Spike Lee remake of Oldboy and now I am no longer friends with Ryan Merrell. Or Josh Brolin for that matter.


511. Bat-Man

I figured since I’ve been drawing a fair amount of Superman villains lately, I should definitely include his biggest arch-nemesis, Bat-Man. Apparently, the Bat-Fella is also celebrating a 75th anniversary. Even if you’re a comic fan, I’d excuse you not noticing. DC Comics and Warner Brothers have kept the celebration pretty low-key. What do you expect with such an obscure villain? I gotta hand it to Bat-Guy’s creator, Bill Finger. Somehow this little-known footnote made Bill Finger a multi-trillionaire, and in the process, Finger was able to screw over a whole bunch of his contemporary comic creators like Bob Kane. Bill Finger, creator of The Bat-Man, you’re incorrigible! Don’t ever change!

510. Hank Henshaw

I kinda loved drawing this and didn’t want to stop.

509. The Punisher

I debated whether or not I should draw Frank in his classic spandex costume or go for the “realistic” skull shirt/armor look. But honestly, I’m getting tired of the whole “realistic” super-character thing. It works in moderation, but when it comes down to it, body armor, seams, collars and loose clothing don’t make a comic character any less ridiculous than trunks, capes and tights.

508. Lex Luthor


506. Frederick J. Krueger

Over the past couple of days, I have watched the 4-hour Never Sleep Again – a documentary about all things Nightmare on Elm Street (except the remake). It was pretty good. Enjoyable, funny, and somewhat informative. NoES, and Freddy has always been my favorite horror franchise. A delusional me who has filmaking aspirations would love to try to make another NoES movie.