Last night, on the word of one Joseph G. Runenwald, I watched a fillim called Perfect Sense – which is a terrible title. It stars the ever lovely Eva Green and even lovelier Ewan McGregor (who I feel deserves better in this world. The Star Wars prequels were a long time ago [in a galaxy far, far away] and he should be allowed to be a huge star again). I enjoyed it a bit. It’s not exactly fun or even something I’d highly recommend to folks, but there are worse films to spend an hour and a half on. It’s a love story set on the backdrop of the entire human race slowly losing all their senses due to a strange disease (smell goes first, taste next, etc., etc.). It’s interesting and on Netflix.


More white ink on black paper.


522. Rondo Hatton

I’ve drawn characters like this numerous times, but this one is an actual person. Rondo Hatton was an b-movie actor and a horror icon in the 30s and 40s, usually playing thugs, monsters and brutes. He was a journalist before that. He suffered from acromegaly, which distorted his face as an adult and makes him a fantastic subject to draw.


520. Drexl Spivey

We wrap up a truly fun Kathleen Coyle Week with Drexl Spivey from the movie True Romance. Drexl is played by Kathleen’s future husband, Gary Oldman. It has been absolute ages since I’ve seen that movie and I honestly don’t remember his role very well. I remember stoner Brad Pitt, Chris Walken and Dennis Hopper, Val Kilmer as Elvis, but not Gary Oldman, sadly. I will have to watch this movie again. Maybe even before this actually posts! I know I bitched about likenesses the other day, but while I would never be able to draw Gary Oldman from say… Batman Begins or Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, I could definitely draw him from Hannibal, or this movie. The facial scarring, the dreadlocks, the clothes – he is a recognizable character and it doesn’t truly matter that what I drew looks nothing like Mr. Oldman.

519. Jubilee

Happy America’s Birthday! Let’s try to ignore all the terrible, terrible things we’ve done as a nation – past, present and future! If you don’t like it, GTFO! In addition to celebrating our bloody national horror with copious amounts of delicious seared dead animal bits and disgusting “salads” that mostly involve mayonnaise, it also continues to be Kathleen Coyle Week. So we combine the two, with the X-MEN’s own firework disaster, Jubilation Lee! That’s right! One of the top 5 worst X-characters ever written into the book – and despite everything that’s been done to attempt to make her okay, she has only gotten worse. In fact, right now she’s a vampire that stole a baby that eventually becomes Iron Man or some shit. Comics! I made a very conscious decision to make her look Asian here, considering I found out she was always supposed to be but has never ever ever ever been drawn that way (except by Chris Bachalo in his original run on GENERATION X). I don’t think I did a good job at all. But who gives a shit? It’s Jubi-fuckin’-lee.

518. Wicked Witch of the West

I based this loosely off of the Mila Kunis version of the character from Oz: The Great and Powerful (spoiler, B.T.dubs), because, y’know, boobs and a hot chick. I’m sure Kathleen can appreciate that, right?

517. Booger

This is a terrible drawing and a terrible likeness, but hey, even during Kathleen Coyle Week, they can’t all be gold. While I’ve never actually seen Revenge of the Nerds, I was aware of Booger, and of course I’ve seen Curtis Armstrong in other things. The thing is, despite his role as Booger and his typecasting as the ugly, schlubby guy, he’s actually still a handsome man with little to grab onto as far as “character” goes to make for a good sketch (other than wacky t-shirts). He’s not ugly, just Hollywood Ugly.

516. Immortal Care Bear

When I declared that this would be Kathleen Coyle Week and asked her for a wishlist, she said “A Care Bear of your own design” and then suggested a Liefeld Care Bear. I leaned toward that for a while, but I couldn’t mentally mash the two things together. What would I have used for a symbol? A pouch? So then I decided on a Care Bear inspired by the Black Metal band Immortal