183. The Spectre

More black coloring pencil play.

182. Arcade Fever Special

Here’s the future DVD cover for the future release of Baron Von Porkchop’s return to television!

Terrifying Tales of the Macabre: Arcade Fever Special will air on August 16th on DATV at 11:59 pm. Or you can stream it online at datv.org. The movie the Baron will be presenting is The Beast of Yucca Flats. Check it out! Buy the DVD when it comes out! I drawed the arts.

I added some black coloring pencil effects to the drawing as part of an experiment. It… worked? Except when it didn’t. Which is on most of it. Huzzah?



She’s got a disease.

I finished watching the Netflix show Orange is the New Black. It’s a good show, with a ton of horrible flaws. The acting is fantastic, not a loser in the bunch, including Jason Biggs whom I’ve pretty much written off forever as the guy what fucked a pie. One of my biggest problems with the show are the lack of overarching plot outside of the fish out of water story of a rich, educated woman who goes to prison. There are hints to a “bigger” story that are then completely ignored for the rest of the series or immediately resolved.

Also, I don’t know a ton about prisons, especially women’s prisons, but do petty thieves who steal knick-knacks generally wind up in the same cellblock/facility as drug runners, murderers, and mobsters? Is it just because it’s a women’s prison and there’s only a small facility for them that they all get put together? It’s just another thing I kept wondering but refused to do the research for.

But the main issue I have is that we have this story set in prison, and in some episodes we get flashbacks to the lives of the various inmates and what led them to be in prison. Almost every single crime committed was just an extenuating circumstance in which the inmate was just doing whatever for the greater good, or they’re really just the victim of bad parenting or something something. Basically, everyone’s just real sweetheart who really shouldn’t even be in prison. Even the murderers, because, y’know, those people they killed absolutely deserved it. Oh, except for the white-trash meth addict who killed an abortion doctor (not for any political purpose, just ‘cuz) and then found God after she became a hero for the pro-life movement. She’s just pure fucking evil.

Basically this show leans way way way too hard to the extreme left for my tastes. I generally consider myself middle of the road with a slight liberal bent, so when something gets too liberal for me, something’s off.

But that aside, the show is really engaging and super-well acted with a lot of laugh out loud, uncomfortable, tense and dramatic moments. It reminds me a little bit of Rescue Me, just not as fully fleshed out as that show seemed to be from the jump. It’s worth a watch.


178. Axe Cop: Night Mission

The AXE COP television show premiered last night. If you didn’t watch it, stop coming to this blog.

Watched the movie Stay Hungry for Gutter Trash. Episode coming soon.


This was an experiment. I had read something about how Stuart Immonen (my favorite mainstream comic artist) used a black coloring pencil to draw “Superman: Secret Identity”. I wanted to try it out for myself, see what would happen.

I saw Pacific Rim again last night. Still incredibly good, think I liked it better, actually.

This morning I saw The Wolverine. I am one of the two or three people who actually enjoyed X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but I am also fully aware that it’s not a good movie. The Wolverine is a very good movie and I enjoyed it a lot. It’s a very loose adaptation of the classic Claremont/Miller Wolverine mini series. There are stakes, tension, drama, humor and tons of action, including one of the best actions scenes I’ve seen since The Raid (not better than The Raid, just good, solid and breathtaking). It’s definitely the best sci-fi/action/crime drama/samurai movie of the last two months.



174. James

Lars from yesterday was an accident, James is on purpose. I needed to round out the other half of the metal duo called “Metallica”. You can try to argue that there are other members of the band, but you’re wrong. There hasn’t been since Cliff Burton died. And if you think Kirk Hammet counts, you’re so wrong you should probably just never communicate with anyone else in the world by any means that have ever existed. Just stop. Become a hermit. A Hammet Hermit. Because Kirk Hammet is the worst.