B-b-b-bonus-s-s-s-s-s sketch! My soon to be retired pal Jason drew this for me upon request.

165. Ash. Ish.


I watched Birdemic: Shock and Terror last night. On purpose. I had seen it in a theater last year as part of a RiffTrax live event. It was pretty great. This time, however, no RiffTraxing was involved. Just plain ol’ Netflix. By itself, it is still incredibly hilarious. It is the worst.

Right now, I’m watching the 1989 Batman movie. I still like it. I know Tim Burton hates comics, and there are changes to the Batman origin, but none of that bothers me, now or 24 years ago. Because it’s still a well-made movie that respects the source material and never apologizes for what it is. I think that counts far more than slavish devotion to the source material. It doesn’t need to be the same, but it needs to “get it”.

Also, a Prince soundtrack never hurts.


I went to see Pacific Rim. It’s fantastic. It’s giant monsters fighting giant robots, but it also has heart to spare with likeable, sympathetic characters, humor and charm. The action is believable, easy on the eyes and still frenetic. Despite copious amounts of destruction, consequences still feel real. Godzilla and Cloverfield can go fuck off.

After that, I guess I felt like a nap, so I went to see The Lone Ranger. The movie theater was having a two-for-one special. And by that, I mean I snuck in. Which I am glad, because I did not pay for that stinking hot mess of a bore of a movie. I loved the Ranger when I was a kid, but for the most part, I don’t have too much of a sense of nostalgia. So that doesn’t factor into this. It’s just a terrible, illogical, dumb, boring, overly long waste of time and celluloid. It’s all over the map, tone-wise. It has a good cast, though. It’s just too bad they’re all put to terrible use with an awful script and story.


I just witnessed my good friend, the normally level headed and rational Jason Young, dip nacho chips into melted cheese and then directly into salsa, tainting the salsa for everyone else at the table and I am horrified.


Lots of hub-bub yesterday about Andrew Garfield – the star of the new series of Spider-Man movies – talking about something that’ll never happen in a million years: the possibility of making Peter Parker gay.

I shouldn’t say that. It’s a possiblity it could happen, it just seems improbable. I’m betting there’s a guy wearing a pair of mouse ears that’ll shut that whole situation down pretty quickly.

But, as always, internet dwelling comic fans came out of the woodwork in the aftermath of Garfield’s statement to show how tolerant and accepting everyone is of all different types of people.


No they didn’t.

Listen, I’m an angry, judgemental asshole and a comic book fan. I don’t have any gay or non-white friends, I barely leave my house and I’m a registered Republican. I’m a step away from being one of the guys in the comments section talking about how liberals are stealing my characters, etc. My first fanboy-ish reaction to the Garfield thing was a knee-jerk “How dare he?!” But it comes less from a bigotted place and more from a geek place. Spider-Man/Peter Parker has been around for 50 years, stop fucking with him!

Then I stop. I think. I rationalize.

First of all, it’s fiction. Who gives a shit?

Second of all, if Peter Parker were gay, would it change the core of his character at all? Absolutely not. If anything, it strenghthens his core. Peter Parker, growing up in the exact same way that has been present in countless retellings of his origin, but homosexual to boot? Nothing really changes. If he’s out, perhaps he gets bullied more in school. He was already bullied, maybe this pushes him further toward his goals. Uncle Ben & Aunt May support him and love him unconditionally, his sense of self is more centered when he gets bitten. Everything plays out the way it does, he becomes Spider-Man, one of the greatest fictional heroes ever. He just also happens to like dudes, as well. Nothing is different about what and who Peter Parker is. In fact we play this all the way out to a straight Doc Ock taking over his body and wackiness ensues!

Fuck it, let’s retcon this shit. Peter Parker is gay from here on out.

I mean, it’s not like we’re presenting the character as someone who won’t go out of his way to save people from danger because he was raised to believe that he should just let people die, and in the process of battling, I dunno, say Venom or something, actively causes the destruction of two cities and murdering thousands without so much of a thought, let alone regret. And then, I dunno, say he kills Venom or something even though he had multiple chances to properly end the battle without any loss of life, but just didn’t care to.

I mean, that would really fuck with the core of that character and change everything about him that makes Spider-Man who he is.


Batman phone home.

159. Ultraman

This may have been the guy in that Man of Steel movie.

158. Black Panther

Seriously guys, this paper is really nice. Once I was done drawing the cover, I turned the comic over and there was a whole ‘nother blank side. I just couldn’t NOT draw on it.

Man, I hope this guy who’s never seen my artwork doesn’t hate it.

157. Black Panther

A while back I did a sketch cover for my pal Joe on the blank sketch cover variant of Green Arrow #17. I loved the cardstock that the book was printed with and loved drawing on it and the feel of drawing on it. If I could draw on that type of cardstock all the time, I would.

Part of the reason that I love it is that when Marvel started this whole blank cover sketch variant gimmick, they were using glossy cardstock, or not even cardstock, just glossy cover stock. It was terrible to draw on: pencil, ink, or color.

So when I was then commissioned to draw Black Panther on the sketch variant of New Avengers #1, I was kind of wary that it would be the same cheap-ass Marvel cover stock.

It seems Marvel has smartened up and have switched to the fantastical wonderful cardstock that DC has been using. Seriously, I love this paper.

So anyhoo, I was commissioned to draw this Black Panther sketch by a guy I had never met and who had never seen my artwork before. So, we’ll see how this pans out.