Tag: Hip-Hop

Spit Gemz (Feat. Dus) – Nemesis Enforcer

Was contacted some time ago by a producer to use a piece of art I made for a hip-hop artist named Spit Gemz. He had a track coming out called Nemesis Enforcer, and they had discovered a sketch from when I did G.I. Joevember. They wanted to know if I could replace the original face …

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1138. Public Enemy

Another JB Sapienza Week request of sorts.A friend of mine once called Fear of a Black Planet more punk than any other punk album, and I’m inclined to agree. So, Public Enemy as superheroes. One could argue that PE are already superheroes. Luckily, what I consider to be the core group of PE – Chuck …

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1136. Beastie Boys

Because you can’t, you won’t, and you don’t stop. Hey, it’s the beginning of a new theme week, dedicated to one Mr. JB Sapienza. He’s a good dude who’s treated me well promoted me more than anyone should ever have done and got me involved in some pretty awesome stuff. He’s the reason I have …

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277. X-Factor

A while ago, my pal Jason Young and I were hanging out and for some reason the discussion turned to comics. We wound up talking about Marvel Comics’ Hip-Hop Variant Covers that were just being previewed. We browsed through all the ones that were revealed at the time. Some were great and clever, some obscure, …

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