Tag: post-its

067 – Spider-Man

Really busy. Spider-Man on a post-it.

066 – Adam West Batman

Really tight on time this week, so here’s a post-it sketch I did of Adam West as Batman. Also included is another drawing of Adam West as Batman that I did a few years ago. I think it’s a better piece, but didn’t want to blatantly use an old drawing for today’s entry. Ok, back …

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065 – Chairface Chippendale

There are not enough words in every human and non-human language combined to describe how much I love The Tick. Post-it sketch with ballpoint pen.

044 – Self Portrait

From me in the future. On a post-it note with a ball-point pen.

042 – Original X-Men

Post-it sketch.

039 – Robot

Just a robot. On a post-it.

038 – Skin Mask

Sort of a Batman-y Rogue that I thunk up all by myself, though I’m sure there are similar looking characters somewhere. I just wanted to draw a dude with most of his head skinned, except for a domino-esque mask of face. I like masks. Done on a post-it.

011 – Masked Man

Post-it note sketch done in ball-point pen. I think it’s supposed to be Mister Miracle. Maybe. It wasn’t my initial intention. Maybe.

008 – Ant-Man

Just a doodle I made during work on a Post-It when my computer was tied up with work stuff. Find. Replace. Wait. Repeat. I have no idea what a flying ant is supposed to look like.

Iron Lantern

A Post-It Doodle done at work in red and black gel pens, scanned and inverted. I never read the Amalgam comic, but like most of them, the idea seems neat…