Suggested by Joe Grunenwald, Jack Knight as Ted Knight- Modern Day Starman cosplaying as his father, the Golden Age Starman.
Tag: Ted Knight
257 – Golden Age Starman (2)
Back in March, I posted a redesign of the Golden Age Starman. I was not happy at all with how it turned out, so I decided to give it another shot. I’m definitely happier with the color choices (plus better rendering) and overall line-art for this version. It retains the mad scientist/pilot feel I was …
041 – Golden Age Starman
A redesign of the Golden Age Starman, based on my previous attempts at G.A. redesigns. But not as successful. I was kind of going for a mix of crazy mad scientist combined with the James Robinson Starman. Eh. Another one for the “retry later” pile.
Ok, PANIC!: Golden Age Heroes
I love the Justice Society, and I wanted to play around with their costume designs, particularly Green Lantern. His original costume is so… anti-Green Lantern.