Tag: Dr. Fate

Dr. Strangefate

Dr. Strangefate

Wanted to draw some Amalgams. So far, just this one. Maybe more later? HEY! If you’re Dayton, Ohio adjacent, I will be doing free sketches at Mavericks Cards and Comics for Free Comic Book Day from 10am-12pm. Watch me be sleepy! NO LIKENESSES!

Dr. Fate

So, weird useless fact about me: I own almost every issue of a published (solo) comic (reprint or otherwise) of Swamp Thing, Dr. Fate, and The Spectre. I am however missing Golden Age appearances of Fate & Spectre, which have been reprinted as DC Archive Editions. Which are also out of print and hard to …

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1137. Doctor NFL SuperFate

JB Sapienza week rolls on with an amalgam of Dr. Fate – one of the sharpest, simplest designs in comics for one of the best characters – and NFL Superpro – none of the above.It’s like eating only cupcakes, taking a massive shit and then presenting it as cupcakes.

1029. Dr. Fate

642. Fate

I’m going to see Doctor Strange tonight.

131. Doctor Fate

More phone paint experimenting. I’ve always been fond of Dr. Fate. Fate and Firestorm were the only two Super Powers action figures I ever owned. I’m guessing that’s where it comes from. I do like magic guys named Doctor Something, though, so, y’know, that too. I remember being at the Hara Arena for a Super …

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Ok, PANIC!: Doctors

My two favorite superhero mystic doctors. Though, I do believe Fate only has an honorary doctorate from a small community college in Alabama.

Ok, PANIC!: Golden Age Heroes

I love the Justice Society, and I wanted to play around with their costume designs, particularly Green Lantern. His original costume is so… anti-Green Lantern.