64. Spoiler

So yesterday, I tried to greet the world with some positivity, and the world slapped me in the face and spat on me.

So hey. Go eat a bag of dicks, everyone.

Fuck off and die, world.


The quote on the post-it is from a fantastic podcast called Superego. Go find it. Also some budgeting math.

I have been watching Bate’s Motel. I will stop watching it in a few episodes, I think.

However, I’m in for the show Hannibal which just aired. I liked it. Mads Mikkelson (sp?) is pretty good as Dr. Lecter, though his accent is a bit thick and I’ve been having a hard time with my hearing lately. The only thing I don’t particularly like in this show is the portrayal of Will Graham. The actor is fine and the character itself is fine, but it’s not the Will Graham from Manhunter or Red Dragon. I get why – in order to seperate itself and be its own beast. I just don’t like the nervousness and twitchiness of the character presented.

So, I had this thought today.

I’m barely doing anything with my life. I do these sketch-a-day drawings, which so far is a mass of bored-time post-it notes. There’s nothing of substance here, but I’m okay with that. The thing is that I am the most unmotivated, procrastinaty person I know, and part of that stems from both a fear of failure and fear of success. I think I’m awful at what I do, but I also think I’m pretty great and it hurts me deeply when not everyone rushes here to heap massive amounts of praise upon my dumb post-it note sketches. I have three podcasts that I can’t figure out how to measure our listenership, but I’m pretty sure it’s at a zero for each. The shows are dumb and no one should listen and yet the shows are fucking great and everyone should listen and you wound me by not quoting us verbatim.

What I do is inconsequential and will not change any lives – mine most of all. The sketch-a-day and the podcasts – these are not the dreams I had as a kid or teenager or young adult. I don’t think I even want to go back to those dreams I had. I’m mostly okay with these things I’m doing. I could do them better and I could grow them bigger, but that’ll come in time. I think. I hope. I’m trying, somewhat. But the thing is – I’m doing this.

I’m posting a sketch a day. I’m doing multiple podcasts. These mean nothing and a lot of it is bad, but they are a part of me and my creative self and output. I can point to them and say “there.” I get better a little bit at a time, but the important thing is that I’m getting over the absolute fear of failure. I’m putting myself – my work and my name – out there for the public to consume, criticize and mostly ignore. And I’m mostly fine about it.

And that’s the thing. I have friends, believe it or not. Some of these friends have aspirations to creativty. I try to encourage them. I really do. They may not be the greatest artists or writers around, or even that I have known personally. But they’ll never know because they refuse to show the world what they’re doing, for whatever reasons. Unsure, unconfident, not ready to face the judgment and criticism of strangers. Lazy, unmotivated, procrastinaty. Fearful or success, fearful of failure. All the things I still go through on a daily basis.

I am the last person on earth who should be writing this. This is not me. I am not positive people. But I am trying. And I’d like my friends to try, too. Whatever their things – art, crafts, writing, some form of all of the above – I want to see the products of their minds, talents and skills. I want to see them grow and become better. I want them to join me out in the open with their talents and lets all help each other face all that other crap I’ve mentioned multiple times already. This is your private public shaming, folks who should know who they are and what they’ve done to deserve this. I’m tired of telling you privately you should try something and so I’m telling you publicly that you should try something.

That’s a little pep talk coming atcha at 11:33pm from the most cynical apathetic man in the world. How you like dem abbles?



Post-it doodle. I suppose doodle may be stretching the term here a bit. Post-it ART. There.

Ant-Man-ish guy, I just kinda kept going throughout the day at work while waiting for searches and replaces and files to load. But this is what boredom, post-its, a variety of color gel pens, sharpies, hilighters and white-out can do.

60. Karnak

I’mma have to tackle the Inhumans more fully some time.

Extract. Mike Judge movie that I think got unfairly maligned. Sure, it’s not as good or as smart as Office Space, Idiocracy or even Beavis & Butthead Do America, but it is funny. It’s definitely better than any episode of King of the Hill.

Down and Out in Beverly Hills. I remember this being a huge deal when I was like 9. I didn’t get it.

Mother, Jugs & Speed. Soon to be reviewed on Gutter Trash.

59. Hellcat

Caught up on Justified and Archer yesterday. Justified is great. I seriously love everything about that show.

58. Nay, More

I caught up on The Walking Dead last night, since I’d already had the shit spoiled out of it. Goddammit. What don’t people understand about “I haven’t watched it yet!” or “I’m waiting for it on DVD!”?

Also watched Bates Motel. I had watched the first episode during HorrorHound last weekend in my hotel. I was tired and depressed, so it didn’t really register with me and I came away not liking it. I rewatched the first episode last night and I actually enjoyed it and caught things I missed, like an entire actor (Bat Manuel!).

The second episode, not so good. It’s like this show is desperately trying to be a cross between Twin Peaks and Smallville, only instead of a town full of weirdos with a complex mystery, it’s just a town full of weirdos with a boring mystery. And instead of the coming of age story of Clark Kent, it’s coming of age story of Norman Bates, who at 17, seems fairly normal for a guy who will dress up as his mother and kill folks. So, y’know, swing and a whiff.


Back on the movie horse after about a week. Might jump off it this weekend, though, as everyone in the world is threatening to not let me enjoy The Walking Dead when it comes out on DVD, as I prefer.

11-11-11. I’ve never lost so much interest in a movie so quickly while watching this one. It’s a horror tale about the coincidence of repeating numbers. There are interesting ideas present, the last 5 minutes are great, but otherwise, eh.

The Sentinel Late 70s horror about a woman who moves to a creepy apartment. It’s good, but I was distracted by the cast. Jerry Orbach and Jeff Goldblum have glorified cameos – former Gutter Trash Interview subject Chris Sarandon is the male lead. Burgess Meredith may be the devil. Beverly D’Angelo masturbates on camera. Repeated viewings of the “Vacation” movies will be awkward. You know it’s weird when Tom Berenger shows up in the very last minute of the movie and has more dialogue than Christopher Walken who repeatedly shows up as a detective.

So here’s a thing. Both movies have dream sequences. 11-11-11 has one where the lead character has a nightmare in which a tragic episode from his past replays in full detail. This is pretty common in movies and tv. The Sentinel’s lead character dreams in monochrome blue and there are crazy angles and a naked Beverly D’Angelo plays the cymbals.

I dunno ’bout you, but I’ve never had a dream where I just simply remember a thing. I get that it’s a storytelling thing to get some exposition in there, but there’s got to be a better way, right? My dreams tend to play out more like the lady’s in The Sentinel, including the naked Beverly D’Angelo. Dreams are weird and make little sense, and when they are more straightforward “stories”, it’s still just more bizzare or “off” than anything else.

Just something that bothered me. I’ll shut up now.

56. Classic X-Men

Post-it sketch. I wanted to try a heavy shadowed figure, stark contrast with no hatching, and then it turned into Cyclops. Then I added the recognizable silhouettes. I hope anyway.


Post-it doodle of a bulldog/frog/fish-man. And he wants beer. Apparently.