Tag: digital

367. Misty Knight

Just wanted to draw a bionic arm and a kick-ass lady with a giant afro. I could IMDB this, but I’m not gonna, because, y’know what? We’re allowed to ask questions and not necessarily need or want the answers immediately. But, I wonder if Misty is gonna show up in the Luke Cage or Iron …

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366. Captain Marvel

DC Comics has an obscure forgotten character named “Shazam” which is kinda dumb and weird. He’s also got one of those ridiculously dated costumes with all sorts of lines, metal chunks, seams, and energry krackles that just makes it too busy and complicated to look at. Plus a hoodie which covers up a fairly distinctive …

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364. Webstor

One of my first Masters of the Universe figures as a kid.


I’m a fat guy who can barely find the energy to shave. I’ve got big ears, a big nose, bad teeth, uncooperative hair. I dress cheaply and unfashionably. I’m awkward, I slouch, and I’m just not a handsome dude. What I’m saying is, I have no room to make fun of anyone’s appearance, and yet …

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362. Judge Dredd

Drawn completely without reference and with only hazy memory.

360. Hourman

Time is a flat circle, and to celebrate day 360, here’s Hourman. Hourman is actually a secret favorite character of mine. Mostly it’s the hoodmask. He’s definitely one of my favorite Justice Society members. Even though I’ve grown out of the grim ‘n’ gritty “realistic” superhero thing, I always like Rex Tyler’s portrayal as an …

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358. Beetle

A Beetle of a different color.

357. Silvermane

Now we’re getting into some Spider-Villains I’ve never even heard of, let alone read any stories about. But hey, old man cyborg, can’t go wrong.

356. Boomerang

Drawn this guy before, but like my redesign better.

355. Black Cat