Tag: Merry Christmas

Sweet Christmas

Sweet Christmas

December Patreon Rewards

Brainiac Vigilante Merry Christmas. I try to do something a little more for my Patrons for Christmas. This year, I went full color digital prints. Like an NFT, but on paper. Patron 1 asked for Brainiac wearing the Electric Superman costume. I made sort of a mash-up of Brainiac’s classic pink & white look with …

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87. Two-Face & December Patreon Rewards

Merry Christmas from the man who is both naughty and nice and will judge you by the flip of his coin. Merry Christmas as well to all my Patrons, and to everyone else I guess. If you want a sincere holiday greeting from me, join my Patreon. The Hell Priest Clive Barker doesn’t like the …

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Requested by Joe Grunenwald, who insisted on an exploitative, cheesecake sketch of the Betty Kane Bat-Girl. Insisted! I mean, it’s X-Mas and all, and he’s a good friend and loyal Patreon supporter. Who am I to deny his weird, pervy requests? But I felt I needed to balance out his sweaty-palmed ask and drew a …

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