Category: Sketch-a-Day

3. Superman

Confession, I really don’t care for grown-up/college-age Jon Kent. He should have remained a kid. He’s a good foil for Damien Wayne. I’ve read a handful of issues of Superman: Son of Kal-El, and I just don’t enjoy it. I loved the Nightwing cross-over, but Jesus, Tom Taylor is SLAYING on that book. I think …

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2. Pied Piper

Not the best sketch. Anyhoo, back in 1991, I had a friend… it was either James or Preston. I’m leaning toward Preston. We were talking about the brand new TV sensation called The Flash. You’ve heard of it. Lasted 14 seasons. John Wesley Shipp became the biggest star in America. Anyway, James/Preston was schooling me …

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1. D-Man

It’s Pride Month, and I’ve decided to help celebrate in my own way, by drawing a month full of LGBTQIA+ superheroes/characters. As an 80% cis het dude, I do feel I probably should not be doing this, but I just wanted to draw some fun & kick-ass characters, and show my support to people who …

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She is Risen! What better way to celebrate Easter than with a character famous for undead resurrection. Rachel Beck, star of Rachel Rising. A good, but also disappointing series in that it ended with multiple dangling plot threads. I’m two issues into Five Years as of this writing, so maybe those get touched upon? I …

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Francine Peters-Silver, the other star and center of the Mooreniverse. She’s perfect and if I left my girlfriend for a fictional character, it’d probably be Francine. But she’d probably want to join us, or possible fight me over Francine. Because my girlfriend rules. I don’t do cheesecake often! I’m not good at it!


Katina Choovanski, the star and center of the Mooreniverse. Not much I can say about her. She’s awesome, and if my girlfriend was going to leave me for a fictional character, it’d probably be Katchoo.


Samantha Lockyear from Motor Girl might be the absolute most heartbreaking Terry Moore figure in his oeuvre. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the book as I started, but by the end… Jesus. Far more affecting and impactful than I would ever have hoped.


I have not read Serial yet, but Zoe is a supporting character throughout Rachel Rising. She’s cute! She’s quirky! She’s 10! She a possible descendant of Jack the Ripper and loves to kill things!


Julie Martin from Echo. This might actually be my favorite Terry Moore work. Sure, SiP is far more in-depth and substantial, but I think Julie’s journey throughout the series is heartbreaking and exhilarating, from the unknown powers to the absolute loss of her agency and sense of self.


It’s Terry Moore Week! All characters from the major Terry Mooreniverse comics. When I met my current ladylove, she did not like comics. Which is good, because who needs some Fake Geek Girl bullshit, am I right, my dudes? Comics are for boys! I bet she doesn’t even know Bart Allen’s home address in Alabama! …

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