Tag: digital art

Believe it, or not.

Recently, thanks to Netflix, I’ve been renting the Greatest American Hero on DVD. I remember loving the show when I was a kid, but as with most things, those cherished memories usually come crashing down as we come across them as adults. Well, while certainly dated, G.A.H. holds up to a certain extent. It’s got …

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Vampire Peeper of Greene County

A friend of mine (Matt Brassfield of Bloodline Video) asked if I’d draw a cover for a DVD he was putting out, Vampire Peeper of Greene County – a part of his “Bad Movie Night Collection” of videos. Because I’m a pussy who has a hard time saying “no”, I agreed. Then it took him …

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Is it a cliche to say that Joker is the best comic book villain ever? Sure. But it’s also true. Played out a bit? Also true, but still will always be awesome. Except when played by Heath Ledger as Al Franken.

Iron Lantern

A Post-It Doodle done at work in red and black gel pens, scanned and inverted. I never read the Amalgam comic, but like most of them, the idea seems neat…

Shadow of the Colossus

Drawn a few years ago in pencil, finished in Adobe Illustrator. There are some things I’d like to go back and tweak, but can’t find the original AI file. Colossus was always one of my favorite X-Men characters when I was growing up, probably third after Nightcrawler and Wolverine.


I’ve had a fondness for the Golden Age Sandman for a long time, only reinforced by the criminally underrated Sandman Mystery Theatre by Matt Wagner, Steven Seagle and Guy Davis. There’s just something great and timeless about a guy in a suit, trenchcoat, fedora and gas mask. I have a smattering of SMT issues, but …

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Madman Monday

My pal Jason and I were drawing on Saturday, and he mentioned that he was going to draw a Madman picture for his blog. At the time, we were watching the show Mad Men, and that’s what I thought he said. It’s not too odd, he’s drawn characters from other TV shows before. But when …

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21 and 24

I fuckin’ love The Venture Bros., and I especially love 21 & 24, rest his fictional cartoon henchy soul. Season 4 can’t get here soon enough.

Firestorm of the New Gods

Firestorm, a childhood favorite of mine (that I still have an affinity for), reimagined as a New God – Kirbyized. Done in Illustrator a few years back.

Jack Spaulding, Private Dick

Did this as a pin-up for a comic drawn by a fellow former Newsarama art group member. My love of noir is firmly established if you listen to my podcast, so I loved drawing this. Unfortunately, after drawing it, I found out that Spaulding doesn’t use guns in the comic. Ah well. I still enjoyed …

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