Tag: Jack “The King” Kirby


Medusa Guardian Grey Gargoyle *** Even my subpar drawing of Medusa has more realistic hair than the upcoming tv version. *** To request a Kirby sketch for a minimum fee of $5.00: Email me, message me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or leave a reply here. All proceeds will be donated to the Hero Initiative at …

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Sandman Marvel Boy Manhunter *** To request a Kirby sketch for a minimum fee of $5.00: Email me, message me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or leave a reply here. All proceeds will be donated to the Hero Initiative at the end of the month.


Triton Kalibak Baron Zemo *** Ugh, that Triton is terrible. Also, hindsight proves that Kirby really liked massively-headed, hair, two-toed villains. *** To request a Kirby sketch for a minimum fee of $5.00: Email me, message me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or leave a reply here. All proceeds will be donated to the Hero Initiative …

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Gorgon Doctor Doom Atlas *** To request a Kirby sketch for a minimum fee of $5.00: Email me, message me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or leave a reply here. All proceeds will be donated to the Hero Initiative at the end of the month.


Sif The Vanisher Lockjaw Silver Star *** 100 Kirbys! It begins! *** To request a Kirby sketch for a minimum fee of $5.00: Email me, message me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or leave a reply here. All proceeds will be donated to the Hero Initiative at the end of the month.

100 Kirbys

August 28th, 2017 would have been Jack “King” Kirby’s 100th birthday. In order to celebrate, all throughout the month of August I will be posting 100 Jack Kirby creations. Each of the 100 sketches is on 9 x 12 bristol board, and I will be selling every single one for a minimum of 5 (five) …

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575a. OMAC

Jack “The King” Kirby would have been 99 years old today, so I figured I’d pay tribute with a bonus sketch of one of his weirder and more underappreciated characters, OMAC: The One Man Army Corp.


B-b-b-bonus-s-s-s-s-s sketch! My soon to be retired pal Jason drew this for me upon request.

Ok, PANIC!: Shapeshifters

I recently learned that Jack Kirby worked on the Turbo Teen cartoon. Blew my mind.

240 – Big Barda

Recorded an episode tonight of League Night that will go online in early December. It featured Big Barda. This sketch is terrible.