Tag: X-Men


Just trying to remain on solid ground.

21. Iceman

Whoof. Ok. Warning: I am about to get as close to narrow-minded straight dude comicsgator-y as I can get, and I apologize. I don’t accept Iceman as gay. Moreso, I don’t accept the circumstances or the story in which he is outed. I understand the narrative of closested person finally coming to grips with who …

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12. Shatterstar

Not sure whether Shatterstar is bi or gay, but I do remember Rob Liefeld flipping his shit when Peter David put him in a relationship with Rictor in the pages of X-Factor, and that is enough to actually make me like this character now.

10. Anole

I read Skottie Young’s run on New X-Men 100 million years ago. The only things I really remembered were that Pixie and Anole were the two standout characters, and I honestly couldn’t say why. My memory is awful. Um… Anole looks cool and was kinda fun to draw.

5. Northstar

Oh, Northstar. Where to start? Not the first gay superhero to come out, but perhaps the first to be created AS gay? At least according to legend. John Byrne, in a seriously rare moment of progressiveness – who had created Northstar and the rest of Alpha Flight as basically punching bags for the X-Men – …

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54. Firestar

An amazing friend.

45. Lady Deathstrike

44. Binary

39. Rogue

35. Scarlet Witch