The face I now wear.


087. Doctor Strange


Some days you get sad. Some days you want to put a bullet through your own brain. Guess which today is?

085. Monsters

Back in December, I posted an drawing called “The Slasher“, an image I made for the Horror Movie a Day book, written by Brian Collins. This is my second piece for the book, the chapter illustration for “Monsters”. The book is still untitled and unscheduled, but it should be available sometime later this year. The little man being terrorized by Evil Groot and Venom-ish guy is the author himself. Had a tough time getting this piece going. I can sit with a post-it pad and doodle monsters and creatures all day long with zero problems, but I sit down to draw this finished piece, and I can’t figure out what a monster is. I don’t dislike it, but it was more trouble than I normally have.

Sidebar: was drawing this at my folks house last week and my dad glanced at it. He said, “that’s a lot of drawing”. I think that means he liked it.

Ok, PANIC!: Final Panic

Ok, PANIC! went on for two more years or so without my involvement. The curator decided to end it for whatever reasons and asked all the former contributors to do one final piece, Artist’s choice. I think I was drawing this Skeletor on my phone anyway. This was just when I had gotten my fancy phone and was experimenting a lot. This was also just before the biggest heartbreak of my life that still affects me to this day. Good times.

084. Marvel Knights

083. Da Red Evil

Another of my first doodles on the phone app. Just funnin’ around. Somewhere exists an image of this where my girlfriend took the line art and added lobster claws. Speaking of, man, I kinda love the Daredevil Netflix show. Hopefully, I can watch the final two episodes this weekend.

082. Superman

My first digital sketch in Art Rage.


About a month ago, just before I got sick (still a little sick, but at least my voice came back eventually), I got a fancy new phone, a Galaxy Note. My girlfriend has one, and I was jealous. Mostly because my old phone was a useless piece of shit. I could barely send a text without it freezing up, let alone anything more complicated than that. I had to restart the thing at least 4 times a day in order for it simply work. So, getting close to my contract being up, I went to Sprint and was able to get this new bad boy. It’s big, it works right, and the best thing is the S-Pen. Basically it’s a mini-tablet with an awesome, fine-point stylus. So, following my girlfriend’s lead and advice, I downloaded an app called Art Rage. It’s like a painty/artsy mobile photoshop. I’ve been playing with it a bunch. Here’s a doodle from it.