555. Star-Lord

More Guardians of the Galaxy love. I’ve wanted to draw Star-Lord for quite a while, but never got around to it. I will probably go back to him, I’m sure. I really want to draw classic O.G. Star-Lord, the Steve Engleheart massive asshole Star-Lord in his original costume. But, I do dig his Space-Gas Mask from the movie and recent comics. I think I might also like to draw the Annihilation Timothy Green costume/mask/helmet thing too.

554. Groot

Last weekend, I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy. Usually I avoid these huge movies on opening weekend, but I was too damned excited. This was a “must” for me since the word go, and became an even bigger “must” once James Gunn was on board as writer and director. Between The Specials, Dawn of the Dead remake, Slither, and Super, I’d say I’m pretty much on board with this guy no matter what, and it’s awesome that he now gets to experience a mega-success that he clearly deserves. To say I loved Guardians is a severe understatement. It’s an absolute delight. I will see it at least once more in the theater – another thing I never really do.


552. Tom Waits

It’s my dad’s 73rd birthday today, so I decided to draw an old man smoking and drinking, since that’s how I’ll best remember him from my childhood. Ah, that’s not true. He hasn’t smoked since the year 2000. It has been a trying year though, what with him getting cancer and getting curative surgery to rid the tumor from his lung. As far as we know, his cancer is gone. I’m assuming he’s getting regular checkups. If the cancer has come back and he hasn’t told us, well, that’s a dick move, Dad. I hope it hasn’t though, and I’m glad that he’s still here to celebrate another birthday and I hope he’s still around for a long time to come. He’ll never read this and I hope he doesn’t. But – just putting out into the æther – I love you Dad.

Anyhoo, this drawing isn’t for my dad (though he saw me work on it a couple times). It is a commission for Chris Pfiefer who apparently collects Tom Waits artwork. He asked me to do this back in December, and shamefully I only just finished it. It was a hoot to draw though. Luckily Waits has a very distinct look that I was able to try to aim for when drawing his face. I’m terrible at likenesses, but think I, at least, am in the parking lot of the ballpark. Chris asked to somehow represent either Waits as a musician or an actor. I could not be less of a fan of Waits’ music (though I do enjoy his rendition of the theme from The Wire during season 2 [?] of that show), but I have enjoyed him in every movie I’ve seen him in. So I added a bunny to represent Seven Psychopaths, his Renfield straightjacket from Dracula, and a checkerboard room for The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. I would have liked to have added the weird hand-brace thing from Dracula, but couldn’t find decent reference for it. Also, I would have added one of the crazy weapons his character builds in Mystery Men, but that would have meant having to remember Mystery Men – which I’d rather not do.

551. Space Ghost

The lovely lady – in her mad dash to buy me birthday gifts and give them to me two weeks before said event – bought me a Rendr sketch pad. It allegedly does not bleed at all. So, using another present she bought me – a Chartpak Super Black marker (the most bleediest bleedy kind of marker I’ve ever used) – I put the sketch pad to the test. Success! No bleed at all, the other side of the paper can be used for a whole ‘nother sketch.

550. Deathface Ginny

A few weeks ago, Jason and I reviewed the comic Pretty Deadly. Spoiler: I loved it.

549. Wolverine


547. Bizzaro