
Once again, my friend Stephen Alexander is taking part – along with The Gem City Gentlemen of the Gilded Beard and Beard Team Ohio – in BeardCon. The annual convention, which celebrates beards and those who love beards, is happening on October 6th, 2012 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. The Con supports the charity COMAPC – Central Ohio Men Against Prostate Cancer. Every year they hold an auction to raise money for the charity, and this here piece of art will be up on the block. Go check it out.

Ok, PANIC!: Adventure Time

I have watched exactly four episodes of Adventure Time and thought it sucked hardcore. I laughed once, and it was a fart joke. I think Marceline is appealing, but don’t think I ever saw an episode with her in it. So anyway. Fuck Adventure Time.


I am humbled again to have a piece for The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Reduxe Edition.

Go look at all their art, and you might accidentally find this piece.


I am humbled again to have a piece for The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Reduxe Edition.

Go look at all their art, and you might accidentally find this piece.

Ok, PANIC!: Lost in Space


Warm-up sketch from yesterday’s Drawing Night. Still working on trying to get a more animated/cartoony feel for my drawings.

Ok, PANIC!: Judge Dredd


This past week, my friend Joe and I went to see the theater broadcast of RiffTrax Live performing MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE. I had seen the MST3K episode of MANOS, but it had been years. Joe had no idea of what was about to happen. It was fantastic.

Despite the fact that MANOS is easily one of the worst movies ever filmed, there is some interesting potential in it, particularly the visuals. It never pays off, but still.

In about 7 or 8 months another friend of mine and I will be sharing a table at a horror convention, so I’m going to be building a portfolio of horror and movie related drawings to sell. Why not start with some MANOS themed art?


I am honored to be a part of the massive project called The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Reduxe Edition. It is run by a fantastic cartoonist named Calamity Jon Morris.

There are some truly amazing artists who have contributed to this blog, and also me for some reason. So go look at all their art, and you might accidentally stumble over the alternate version of this Foolkiller piece.

I was trying something with the version that went up on the blog. I don’t think it worked how I intended it. Lesson learned.

I’ve got a few more characters in the works for OHOTMU Redux, and you can bet I’ll promote those too. But seriously, you should check that site out everyday. I do.

Ok, PANIC!: My Name is Jonah

I picked this topic to cross-promote with the FANTASTIC documentary My Name is Jonah. Check it out if you can. I drew Jonah as a Kirby-inspired badass.