Slumber Party Murder Mania

My friend Matt Brassfield once again asked me to do another DVD cover for him, this time for a film his production company (Bloodline Video) is releasing called Slumber Party Murder Mania. The DVD is available for sale right now.

Ok, PANIC!: Spidey

Free Comic Book Day 2012

Free Comic Book Day is once again coming upon us. Following up my story presented in the My Name is Jonah comic from last year, I will have a story in this year’s new issue. You can download it for free at the above links on May 5th, 2012. The cover for Issue 2 of the Jonah comic is by Daniel Th1rte3n and Jake Bills. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with the My Name is Jonah crew, particularly the current winner of the Eric Shonborn Year End of the Year Award, JB Sapienza and The Real Life Warrior himself, Jonah Washnis.

But that’s not all! Usually for Free Comic Book Day, I hide in my home and pray for FCBDay to be over quickly and painlessly. This year, I will be actively celebrating the occasion.

I will be doing free sketches and selling finished artwork at Epic Loot on Saturday May 5th, 2012 from 2pm – 6pm. Epic Loot is a relatively new comic shop in Dayton, and the festivities were arranged by my friends Keith and Steph who are looking to make a splash on Free Comic Book Day. Check out the Epic Loot website for details and directions. Stop by, say hi, get a free sketch!


My friend Kathleen Coyle stepped up with the first sale of the 10 dollar commissions. She wanted Loki, as she has seemingly become obsessed with him from the Thor movie and upcoming Avengers. She told me it was okay if I drew the comic version, but I knew that she really wanted the Tom Hiddleston version. I tried to get the costume and helmet as close as possible, but it seemed like every picture I found of him was slightly different. Still, it was kind of fun to draw.

Ok, PANIC!: Food

Ok, PANIC!: Tom and Jerry

Loosely based on Goya’s Saturn Devouring His Son.

March M.O.D.O.K. Madness

My 1st contribution to the March M.O.D.O.K. Madness website.

Ok, PANIC!: Doctor Who

Ok, PANIC!: Exotic Pets

Creator Owned Day: Range

Range, as in “Home on the…” or “Open…”.

It’s “Creator Owned Day”. Create a concept or character, post it on your blog, link to it via Twitter, hash-tag it #CreatorOwnedDay. Check out the story behind it.

In my previous post, I presented an idea from a friend of mine. I drew it to try to get my own ideas flowing. I was not having any luck. I was trying too hard. Then I remembered that I’d kept sketching this masked cowgirl at work on post-its for a few days. Then it finally came together.

“Range” is the story of an unhinged woman who – for reasons not thought of yet – decides to become a vigilante in the urban metropolis in which she lives. She dresses like a modern-day Lone Ranger and begins to mete out justice. She eventually meets a fellow lost soul in the form of an enthusiastic sociopath who gloms onto her and becomes her dapper and violent sidekick.

Needs some more time to cook, but I’m glad I pulled it out.