122 – This guy

I have a feeling this person really exists somewhere. And he is a character actor.

121 – Space Ghost

Y’know, the real one, not that bullshit talk-show one that raped my childhood.

120 – Huh?

I don’t gotta explain nothin’ to you.

119 – Bad Guy

Unfinished sketch of a bad guy from a long abandonded project.

118 – Aquaman

Another of my long list of failures at life.

117 – Baron Zemo

Adding this to the redo pile.

116 – Throat Monster

This is the creature that has been living in the back of my throat since last Tuesday. I have been coughing him up little bits at a time since then.

115 – Rogue

The most misspelled superhero name on the internet! Also a character that has gone through more major personality fluxes since her introduction as a villain back in the early 80s (late 70s?). Also probably the source of my crush on Anna Paquin. True Blood starts soon, which I am absolutely not looking forward to, but will undoubtedly watch every episode.

114 – Nathan Explosion

My friend Brian John Mitchell requested a sketch of Nathan Explosion of Metalocalypse/Dethklok fame, pissing on a rainbow. I don’t get it, I don’t approve, I drew a line. I don’t know why, I’ve drawn characters having violent diarrhea before. But I’m older, wiser, smarter, better looking than I was back then. So no go. But here’s Nathan Explosion on a rainbow.

Metalocalypse is one of the best animated comedies on Adult Swim, and I love it for so many reasons, one of which is, of course, the Metal. Brendon Small is an absolute genius, and the fact that has been able to turn a fifteen minute cartoon about a fictional death metal band into an actual touring, legitimate metal band is amazing. The “real” Dethklok has two albums out, and are all at once Death Metal, Pop Music and Comedy, and two of my favorite CDs I own.

I’m also looking forward to Small’s “solo” album.

113 – Concrete

A year or so ago, my friend Jason picked the Concrete mini-series Strange Armor for our show, Gutter Trash. I enjoyed it so much that I rushed out and bought the first volume of Concrete stories and have since never read it.

I’ll get around to it.

Anyway, Paul Chadwick’s Concrete. Read it, it’s great.