Tag: Rogue

Savage Land Rogue

Rogue in her skimpy Savage Land getup. Available for sale on my store.

39. Rogue

1341. Rogue

491. X-Men

HEROES CON. Charlotte, NC. June 17-19. TABLE AA-2117. This cover & others, prints, sketchbooks, sketches, maybe comics – all for sale there with me at the show. If you commission me in advance or even right now, I just might actually draw your favorite versions of The X-Men, and not just mine.

263. X-Men

A recreation of the classic Art Adams X-Men poster that I have hanging up outside my bathroom. You’ve seen it. I drew this as a gift for my friend Kathleen who doesn’t talk to me anymore and I’m pretty sure she just fucking hates me now. I have been coloring on this damn thing for …

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305. Mirror Master

115 – Rogue

The most misspelled superhero name on the internet! Also a character that has gone through more major personality fluxes since her introduction as a villain back in the early 80s (late 70s?). Also probably the source of my crush on Anna Paquin. True Blood starts soon, which I am absolutely not looking forward to, but …

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