Tag: digital

334. Sandman

332. Clawful

331. Born to Lose

But that’s the way I like it, baby, I don’t wanna live forever. R.I.P. Lemmy


321. BB 8

It’s just a guess, and a conservative one at that, that I’ve drawn 8 Blue Beetles during the course of the sketchadays.

318. Vision

Counterpart to yesterday’s.

317. Red Tornado

Much like the actual music, I got tired of black metal pretty quickly.

316. Atrocia the Eternal

Named by Kathleen Coyle

314. Killglorious of the Dark Realms

I found the #tuesdayblackmetalnames tag on Twitter, so from now on, my black metal dudes will have those names. This one was named by Kurt Dinse, the first Tuesday Black Metal Name.

313. Torvar the Undeadifier

For a while, Kurt Dinse, Kathleen Coyle and I were coming up with fake black metal names om Tuesdays. I should look them up, cuz this may be a recurring theme…