Tag: illustration



124. Batman

I have a stack of cardboard. It’s neat to draw on occasionally. This is my favorite Legionnaire. *** The Dictator. Funny. I liked it, lots of fun comedy people are in it.


I am sick, but I am starving and am afraid to eat. Watched the very first episode of the classic Transformers cartoon yesterday. Last year, I watched every episode of G.I. Joe. I hadn’t seen any of this stuff since I was a kid. G.I. Joe holds up pretty well. It’s certainly got its goofy …

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I watched That Guy… Who Was in That Thing, a documentary about character actors who are instantly recognizable, but not exactly “famous”. It was fun, but not particuarly in depth. Perfect for watching while doing other stuff, like drawing. Which is what I do.

121. Captain Marvel

I’m really liking this character a lot. I bought the first two trades of her new series and it’s delightful. Because of this, I also bought Kelly Sue DeConnick’s issues of AVENGERS ASSEMBLE. It’s definitely one of the best superhero team comics I’ve read in the last decade. Short arcs, it’s fun, funny and still …

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120. Night Girl

So. This is it. The final Legionnaire for “Legion of Superheroes Month”. I had never even heard of Night Girl until she was specifically requested by Jim Purcell, co-host of the fantastic Savage FINcast proudly hosted on the Gutter Trash Podcasting Network. (In fact, you should listen to all of the wonderful shows on the …

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119. Shadow Lass

I went with the slinky sexy costume here because I have a penis and thusly hate women. Fuck off, fake nerd girls! Go back to the kitchen.

118. Brainiac 5

Went with a more animation inspired look for Brainy. So, three days in and I am in love with the current returned from the dead ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. I am taking a break from it for the last few episodes. I don’t want it to end so soon. I will definitely have to go back and …

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117. Triplicate Girl

Went with the animated version here. Sober and further into the Arrested Development revival. I’m actually digging it. The first couple episodes kinda struggled, but it’s defintely getting back to classic A.D form by the 3rd ep. Disappointment averted?