Tag: post-its

173. Lars

It’s a happy accident that what I drew sort of turned into Lars Ulrich. It’s a happier accident that Lars has aged himself to look like a toad.


B-b-b-bonus-s-s-s-s-s sketch! My soon to be retired pal Jason drew this for me upon request.

165. Ash. Ish.


I watched Birdemic: Shock and Terror last night. On purpose. I had seen it in a theater last year as part of a RiffTrax live event. It was pretty great. This time, however, no RiffTraxing was involved. Just plain ol’ Netflix. By itself, it is still incredibly hilarious. It is the worst. Right now, I’m …

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I went to see Pacific Rim. It’s fantastic. It’s giant monsters fighting giant robots, but it also has heart to spare with likeable, sympathetic characters, humor and charm. The action is believable, easy on the eyes and still frenetic. Despite copious amounts of destruction, consequences still feel real. Godzilla and Cloverfield can go fuck off. …

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I just witnessed my good friend, the normally level headed and rational Jason Young, dip nacho chips into melted cheese and then directly into salsa, tainting the salsa for everyone else at the table and I am horrified.


Lots of hub-bub yesterday about Andrew Garfield – the star of the new series of Spider-Man movies – talking about something that’ll never happen in a million years: the possibility of making Peter Parker gay. I shouldn’t say that. It’s a possiblity it could happen, it just seems improbable. I’m betting there’s a guy wearing …

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Batman phone home.

159. Ultraman

This may have been the guy in that Man of Steel movie.


I’m not a fan of the 4th of July. The American Empire has been crumbling for about the past 14 years or so (possibly longer) because… all Empires fall. We’re in a constant state of Us vs. Them, a philosophical civil war that will not end civilly. America will collapse in on itself within my …

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