Tag: Kurt Dinse

343 – Eggheads

It’s Kurt Dinse Week Part 2: The Quickening. Kurt had asked for Egghead, the Marvel villain, which I had never heard of or seen before this request. But I knew of Egghead, the Batman villain from the 60s Batman tv show portrayed by Vincent Price. So I sketched up a little Egghead vs. Egghead action.

342 – Man-Thing

Kurt Dinse is a person that I have grown to consider as a friend, despite being two states away and only interacting via internet or during random comic conventions (or as a guest on Gutter Trash via text). Kurt is the creator of One Year in Indiana, a comic I would love even if I …

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285 – Conrad Lant

Spent the day at Horrorhound Cincinnati with Kurt Dinse, whose cartoon avatar is Conrad Lant, star of Kurt’s comic One Year in Indiana. Conrad is the world’s smartest death metal vocalist who is stranded in Indiana when his band stops touring. It is loosely based on Kurt’s own experiences, and one of the best comics …

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040 – Wheeler of Oz

023 – Lockjaw

Fulfilling a request from Kurt Dinse, he had asked for Lockjaw, the teleporting dog from Marvel Comics’ The Inhumans. I think Kurt was deliberately trying to make me struggle. If there’s one thing I struggle with more than anatomy, backgrounds, coloring, details, likenesses, proportion, perspective, consistency, inking, penciling, the female form, faces, eyes, hands, feet, …

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Ok, PANIC!: Underground Comics

The most underground comics I could think of were Kurt Dinse’s One Year in Indiana and Jason Young’s Veggie Dog Saturn.


2021 Update: Ok, PANIC! is long dead, my contributions to it long before that. It was a stupid experiment that I tolerated a lot longer than I should have. No offense to the other artists who contributed. The ones I was directly involved with anyway. I have re-homed my Ok, PANIC! artwork elsewhere on the …

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