Tag: comics

24. Loki

Fuck America. Fuck this garbage, fascist, third world country. Listen, the 15-20% of me that wavers from hetero can totally recognize that Tom Hiddleston is absolutely sexy. I. Get. It. I love him in the movies, and the Loki show was fantastic. But, I cannot reconcile smokeshow movie Loki to comic Loki. Loki in the …

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23. Obsidian

A companion to yesterday’s sketch, Obsidian – Todd Rice – is Alan Scott’s son. A member of Infinity Inc. and occasionally the Justice Society. I guess he was outed while being a supporting character in the Kate Spencer Manhunter series (much missed, RIP), but until I just now read the wikipedia entry, I’d have sworn …

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22. Green Lantern

So, to counter yesterday’s piece, here’s Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern. He’s a character I have a deep fondness for who has been presented as hetero for nearly 70-80 years. The character was outed last year during… something. I think it was an event book or something. Prior to this, an alternate Earth …

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21. Iceman

Whoof. Ok. Warning: I am about to get as close to narrow-minded straight dude comicsgator-y as I can get, and I apologize. I don’t accept Iceman as gay. Moreso, I don’t accept the circumstances or the story in which he is outed. I understand the narrative of closested person finally coming to grips with who …

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Rainbow Brite

Commission. Client got a an ink drawing on paper and a hi-res color print.

20. Flatman

The Great Lakes Avengers are a team I have a very soft spot for. They popped up in the late 80s as I somehow stumbled into reading West Coast Avengers at the time when Wanda/Scarlet Witch first went batshit and when Vision became bleached white Vision, which is a storyline that has basically influenced the …

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19. Green Arrow

Happy Father’s Day, here’s the best son of the worst father in the DC Universe. I have mentioned before that I like the Connor Hawke Green Arrow exactly as much as I like Ollie Queen. The other major Legacy characters in DC Comics (Flash & Green Lantern), I definitely prefer the “replacements” over the originals …

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18. Thunder

Vaguely remember her from the Black Lightning TV series, but while researching her, I discovered the absolute worst superhero costume I’ve ever seen. Thank god she changed.

17. Starman

Mikaal Tomas, the 70s one-issue Starman, brought back eventually in James Robinson’s masterwork 90s Starman series as a tragic and completely beloved (by me) character.

Patreon Reward: Namora

I almost got this confused with Namorita. Two totally different characters. Not real happy with the face. I suck.