Commission! Still do ’em. Pay in money. Or muscle magazines from the 80s. Or tickets to comedy shows. But mostly money, please. Was asked to do a re-creation of the cover for Formerly Known as the Justice League #1 (below) by Kevin Maguire. But with Wally West in his “Rebirth” costume, surrounded by his murder …
Tag: commissions
Con sketch
NSFW: Batwoman and Velma
Not Safe For Work. You have been warned. Digital commission.
Attack on Titan
Commission. Commissions are always open.
Rainbow Brite
Commission. Client got a an ink drawing on paper and a hi-res color print.
Bonus: New Wave Endless
Commission of The Endless family as New-Wave artist-inspired rockers. I nearly whiffed this one, and I deeply apologize to the commissioner for taking so long with it. However, Neil Gaiman himself retweeted this, and I couldn’t be more mortified. Just in case: Desire – 80s Bowie Despair – Devo Delirium – Cyndi Lauper Dream – …
809a. Batwoman
Commission for a repeat customer. Decided to try watercolors for no real good reason. I am very bad at it.
232. Asylum Artwork & Oddities
My last HorrorHound Weekend Indianapolis “sketch”. I put quotes around it, because it’s not really a sketch. It is a logo. Asylum Artwork & Oddities were the booth right across from the Pungent Basement Art booth (Kurt Dinse & me). They were very nice people and they certainly drew a crowd with their dead animals …
231. Grumpy Cat’hulu
So when we left yesterday, I told a story about a couple of cute cats, and followed that up with a story about a zombified drawing of an adorable cat named Li’l Bub. The girl who bought that drawing from me returned to my table shortly afterward. She decided that she wanted to get a …
HorrorHound Weekend commission?! Wha?! Someone paid for this. Actually 4 someones, and when I say that I mean 4 women ranging in age from 50ish to 70ish got together and wanted me to turn a photo of their friend into a zombie drawing. In the original photo, she was holding an apple, not a brain. …