Tag: horror

613. Lon, Jr.

It’s Senior’s kid. Also, I failed spectacularly at this likeness, even in caricature form. You’d think he’d had a distinctive enough face, it wouldn’t be that difficult. I feel like I was more successful at drawing Walter Mathau than anything else. Ah well. The entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for …

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611. Bela

Good evening. So for the entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for 5 bucks, or as a theme set (7 cards total) for 25. If you want one, let me know, asap via email or other means. At the end of the week, I’ll post the set on my store.

610. Boris

INKTOBER THEME WEEK #1: Classic Horror Actors. I’ve actually been wanting to draw a portrait of Karloff for a while, but didn’t have the time ’til now. So for the entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for 5 bucks, or as a theme set (7 cards total) for 25. If you …

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513. Morbius, The Living Vampire

I bought this sketch cover to draw an awesome Morbius, demand be damned. But hell, you never know what’ll sell. At Heroes, I sold two original pieces of art, and it wasn’t a Batman, Deadpool, or Harley Quinn. It was The Munsters and Man-Wolf. Before that, the last original I sold was The Question. So, …

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296. Marlena Midnite

274. Alan Moore

This one was “Alan Moore as a Werewolf”. Is there a difference?

273. Bat Vampire

Hey, here’s a character I rarely draw! I was asked for “Batman/Dracula”, and I may be disappointing them with this, because when I read that, the first, last and only thought I had was of the epic Doug Moench/Kelley Jones trilogy of Batman vampire comics. It started with Batman/Dracula: Red Rain, continued in Batman: Bloodstorm …

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272. Super Zombie

No need for me to blather on here. Pretty self-explanatory. I did spend last Sunday in a sort of Superman haze. I don’t know why, but I decided to watch Superman The Movie, which, I dunno if you know this, is pretty good. The first 45 minutes of that movie are fucking great. Punches me …

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271. Hulkenstein

I have iffy feelings about the Hulk, but I do kinda love drawing him sometimes. For Hulkenstein, I just thought about Hulk with stitches and electrodes, but whenever I’ve drawn The Frankenstein Monster, I usually like to make him a lot more patchwork quiltified than he’s usually shown. So, multi-colored Hulks get Frankensteined together.

270. Samaralocke

So you might say, “Eric, I bet you’ve never drawn a woman crawling out of a tv before!” And I would take you up on that bet, because this isn’t even the first time this week I’ve drawn a woman crawling out of a tv! Psylocke meets The Ring girl, Samara. Someone asked me to …

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