Guy Gardner

Everyone’s got their favorite Green Lantern. Mine isn’t Hal Boredom. Get it? Boredom – Jordan? Get it? Eh – fuck it.

Cover Recreations

Been busy, and I wanted to wait until I had these things colored before I posted them. But it’s probably not going to happen anytime soon.

Anyhoo, over Christmas, rather than spend money on folks, I drew these cover recreations for some friends of mine. I discovered that doing these are incredibly fun, and I’ve got a mental list of future silver age covers I’d love to recreate. I would also love to take commissions for some as well, if anyone would be willing to pay (I work relatively cheap). If you or anyone you know wants one, send me an email.

This Doom Patrol is the first cover I did, which is why it’s the only one with an unfinished color version.

Next up was Hawkgirl. Obviously, the original wasn’t a Hawkgirl comic, but for the purposes of the gift, it needed to be.

Finally was The Flash. This was hard to do, because almost every Flash cover from this era is awesomely hilarious, and it was difficult to choose.

Fantastic Four No. 9, Page 16

I drew this for one of my closest friends, Jason Young, who put together an entire collection of eclectic artists to re-create the entire issue Fantastic Four No. 9. Check out all the amazing artwork on display, and maybe look at this page too.


I’ve always liked Hawkeye. And Green Arrow, for that matter. I just dig superheroes with bow and arrows. It’s like Batman is just a guy hanging out with demi-gods, but he has all these toys, tools and gimmicks and to back him up. The Archers just have bows and arrows, and hang out in the same crowd.

That’s right.

Better than Batman.

Anyhoo. I’ve moved the location of the blog to just be the main site. I’m pretty certain I’ll never get an actual site built, so this is just as good, with significantly less effort.

Here’s to a slightly more productive and less bothersome 2009.

Post-It Doodles

These are probably going to be the only new things I post once in a while. I doodle them at work to kill time between programs and files loading, saving, closing, etc. All the things that should only take seconds, yet seem to always take minutes.

Ted Kord: Blue Lantern

Welp, fucked that up.

The Halloween experiment failed spectacularly. After my vacation, I was exhausted, busy, and in complete and total physical agony. Not to mention completely tapped out of things to draw, and the ability in which to draw them. I had started a generic Ghostbuster, a sloppy Slimer, a lethargic Leatherface, a crappy Candyman, a choppy Chop-Top, and a crack-addled Captain Spaulding. All terrible. Then I ran out of paper.

All the while, my right-side, upper wisdom tooth cracked, and I’ve been completely out of my mind in pain or on painkillers. I can’t afford to see a dentist, especially for a wisdom tooth problem. Especially, since I have a sneaking suspicion a root canal will be in order as well. I’d rather live with the pain. It went away once. I can do it again.

Did watch a few movies. They were pretty fuckin’ terrible, but that could’ve just been the pain…

No. I’m pretty sure they were awful. Do not see: 2001 Maniacs or The Toolbox Murders (2003). Maniacs is just plain bad. Bad acting, bad effects, bad writing, bad pacing, bad everything. Even Robert Englund is godawful in it. Toolbox, on the other hand, has some good going for it. Decent acting, good atmosphere, Ron Howard’s dad. However, the execution of it completely fails, because the writers and director couldn’t make up their mind what the movie was supposed to be about. One minute it’s a slasher film, the next it’s a haunted hotel story, next it’s about witchcraft, now it’s a slasher again, complete with ridiculous origin that doesn’t gel with anything else in the movie! Yay! Now let our previously intelligent main character behave like a fuckin’ idiot! Yay! Terrible waste.

The only adequate movie I watched was Ginger Snaps. It’s not bad. Not great either. Just a little too much clobbering of the metaphor over your head. We get it. She’s a werewolf, it stands for puberty. Got it. Jesus Christ. Other than that, and possibly the worst werewolf effects since Lon Chaney Jr., the movie’s pretty watchable.

Anyway, this might be the last new art seen from me in a while. I’m gonna take a sabbatical from drawing sketches like this. I need to try to finish my sequential stuff I’ve been working on, and I’d like to try to focus on getting some writing done.

The above drawing is a crackpot theory/wishful thinking thing on my part. I started thinking about the goings on in Geoff Johns’ Green Lantern book, and the rainbow of flavors he’s introduced. Green Lanterns, Red Lanterns, Purple Horseshoes, Yellow Moons, Pink Hearts, etc. The Blue Lanterns, which haven’t really been explored yet, represent hope. Johns also recently brought back my favorite DC Comics character ever, Ted Kord, aka the bestest Blue Beetle ever (suck it, Jaime [also, see last page of Booster Gold # 1,000,000 for proof]). So really, it was a simple jump from Blue Beetle (since the name is taken now) to Blue Lantern. A simple costume tweak (stupidly simple), and the thing drew itself (poorly).

Geoff Johns has to do this now. HAS to. ‘Cause I drew it. And that makes it real. In my head. DO IT.

Frankie Goes to Chicago


I won’t be posting art until Monday, but I promise to make up for it when I return. Heading off to Chicago for my first vacation since I was unemployed two and a half years ago. Wish it was longer, but I can’t afford to take anymore vacation time, what with winter and all.

See ya’ll in a few days.



I like boobies.

I’m so alone.

New episode of Gutter Trash is up.



It may not look like it, but yes it’s horror related. It’s a panel from a short story I’m working on, a horror/western. So, y’know, trust me.

New episode of Gutter Trash will be available tomorrow sometime.

Tried to watch Beyond Re-Animator, but a) it sucked, and b) the disc was cracked. Netflix!!!

Dr. Hill


Dr. Carl Hill’s bat-winged head, from Bride of Re-Animator.