Category: Artwork

200. Hulkamania

199. Captain Marvel

Doodled this at the radio station the other day.


Caught Elysium this morning, Neill Blomkamp’s follow-up to District 9, a movie that I declared my favorite movie of the year it came out. Because when I declare things, it is important. So, I was looking forward to this one. I liked it a lot, but definitely not my favorite movie of the year, or …

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197. Moondragon

More like BOOBdragon, amirite? I worked at the movie theater when Starship Troopers originally came out, and all the times that I could have seen it for free, I never did. So now, 16 years later, I paid 13 bucks to watch some guys talk over it. Last night my friends and I went to …

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196. Jaunty Flash

So, I’m not sure that I have mentioned this anywhere, but last night I was interviewed on the radio. It was a great, fun, super-cool experience and I’m glad I finally got a chance to have a sorta for realsie conversation with Juliet Fromholt for once, even if it was all about me (especially since …

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Post-it note taken with my camera phone. Twice, since there apparently was a nasty piece of crud on the lens. Anyway, TONIGHT! I will be on the radio! Juliet Fromholt hosts the progam Kaleidoscope every Wednesday night and in addition to great music, the show features live music and interviews with artsy folks from around …

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194. Owlman



There’s a comic in my head that revolves around this character. The lengths that I will go to to make sure her story is never told is so great that I am actively looking for a second job. Or you can buy commissions from me so I don’t have to do either.

192. Teen Wolf (35)

It’s my birthday. I usually post something long-winded on my birthday. Today is no exception. I was planning on seeing Elysium today, but I was tuckered out so I slept in instead. I don’t have any plans other than going to my folks’ house for dinner where my mom will probably cook the same thing …

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191. Spider-Man

Miles Morales version. This costume is not easy or fun to draw. While trying to make it easier to draw, I actually overcomplicated it. Here’s the original: