Tag: Universal Monsters

613. Lon, Jr.

It’s Senior’s kid. Also, I failed spectacularly at this likeness, even in caricature form. You’d think he’d had a distinctive enough face, it wouldn’t be that difficult. I feel like I was more successful at drawing Walter Mathau than anything else. Ah well. The entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for …

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271. Hulkenstein

I have iffy feelings about the Hulk, but I do kinda love drawing him sometimes. For Hulkenstein, I just thought about Hulk with stitches and electrodes, but whenever I’ve drawn The Frankenstein Monster, I usually like to make him a lot more patchwork quiltified than he’s usually shown. So, multi-colored Hulks get Frankensteined together.

629. Hunter S. Thompson

Frankenstein’s Monster as Dr. Hunter S. Thompson/Raoul Duke. Back when I used to read, I devoured quite a few of his books, some given away to old friends and lost forever. Sometimes I wish I had more time to read book books. Hell, I’d settle for the time to be able to read a magazine …

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50. Super Fiends

Today is the first day of HorrorHound Weekend! I will be there tonight and for the whole show through Sunday selling prints and doing sketches. I’d already talked about this a little bit and showed a preview of some of the prints that I will have for sale. Today’s drawing is the 4th print I …

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140 – Frankenstein's Monster

Ok, PANIC!: Universal Monsters

I have a real weird history with this drawing. The actual sketch/line-art took me maaaaaybe 5 minutes to draw. I was at a low point artistically, I had this dumb idea and just shat it out. The logo & colors took a bit longer, but, just a rush-job all the way through. Then my former …

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Dr. Creep’s Assignment Terror

This is a recreation of a movie poster. The original title of the film is called Los Monstruos del Terror, renamed in the U.S.A. as Assignment Terror (sometimes Dracula vs. Frankenstein) and is written by and features Spanish horror star Paul Naschy. My friend Matt Brassfield is putting together a sort of tribute/charity drive for …

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Frankie Goes to Chicago

10/23 I won’t be posting art until Monday, but I promise to make up for it when I return. Heading off to Chicago for my first vacation since I was unemployed two and a half years ago. Wish it was longer, but I can’t afford to take anymore vacation time, what with winter and all. …

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Frankenstein’s Monster

10/14 Frankenstein’s Monster was always one of my favorite classic creatures. I don’t know why, exactly, but it always appealed to me. I read the novel when I was in 3rd Grade. I was obsessed. I’ll probably come back around to him before the month is up. Recording Gutter Trash tonight. Having dinner with my …

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Scary Monsters

10/12 Whooooo… Nothing’s quite as frightening, however, as watching my drunk 47 year old, married brother try to pick up an 18 year old waitress at a sports bar. It was a special day. Back to Lego Batman with me… er… I mean, reading a book.