Tag: cover

158. Black Panther

Seriously guys, this paper is really nice. Once I was done drawing the cover, I turned the comic over and there was a whole ‘nother blank side. I just couldn’t NOT draw on it. Man, I hope this guy who’s never seen my artwork doesn’t hate it.

157. Black Panther

A while back I did a sketch cover for my pal Joe on the blank sketch cover variant of Green Arrow #17. I loved the cardstock that the book was printed with and loved drawing on it and the feel of drawing on it. If I could draw on that type of cardstock all the …

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267 – Werewolf of Ohio

VHS cover art for Brassfield.

Covered: Daredevil #7

The last time I was ever Covered. Ironically, I submitted this on purpose to be rejected, so I could have it be posted on my friend’s blog Rejected by Covered.

Ok, PANIC!: Sidekicks

Apologies to Bob Oksner.

Ok, PANIC!: Romance Comics

I put together this parody comic cover-recreation for the “Romance Comics” topic. With great apologies to Don Heck. Less so to Vince Colleta. The big swinger may or may not reflect my own personal opinions of fashion. Original cover below. You can even check out the lead story at this blog!

Dazzler Cover Recreation

The reasoning behind this is three-fold. 1) This fulfills a request that was made when I was actively seeking out topics to draw. 2) The request was made by a friend who is pretty big Dazzler fan. I have no idea if she really genuinely loves Dazzler or if it’s an ironic thing. Either way, …

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Action Comics No. 1146

I drew this as a Christmas gift for a friend. The idea for it popped in my head and I couldn’t shake it loose. My friend had stated many times in the past how much he loved old Silver-Age Superman covers where he was eating, and for some reason I just kept thinking “Superman vs. …

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