Eric Shonborn

Illustrator, designer, cartoonist, podcaster, sociopath, geek.

Most commented posts

  1. 219 – Shade The Changing Man — 8 comments
  2. 237 – Daredevil Portrait — 7 comments
  3. 088 – The Flash — 7 comments
  4. 296. Ninth Doctor — 7 comments
  5. 202 – Squirrel Girl — 6 comments

Author's posts

Slam Evil!

What a terrible fucking tagline. Been a while, sorry. Been working on getting my podcast together.  You can find my podcast at It’s a swell podcast, with our first official episode being recorded on September 16th. To be released shortly thereafter. We’ll see when, then I’ll try to make that the regular upload day. …

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This is the Beginning…

…of this blog! I explained myself ad nauseam over at my old blog page. But this is where you can check out new pieces of art (or really old pieces that I tell you are new) from yours truly. Cover your eyes. If you look too long, you’ll grow better taste for comic art, and …

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Hawkgirl (30)

I’m old today. This is definitely not where I saw myself at the age of 30. 2008 has been a definite shit year for me, mostly of my own design. The comic thing is still a definite goal for me, but I work slowly. I want my projects to mean something personally to me. I …

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Life Failure

Project Rooftop had a Superman Redesign contest about a month ago or so. Didn’t make the finalists, but got honorable mention. Drawn in Illustrator.


I like the Fantastic Four, in theory. The execution has never held up to what I expect it to be. An old friend of mine and I used to come up with FF stories to try to pitch Marvel (each rejected or ignored), and our ideas of the FF were more appealing than the actual …

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Hell, boy

I keep forgetting to try and update this badboy. I was sorta lacking a good piece to pop up here. I mean, I have hundreds of drawings stocked away, I just don’t like any of ’em. The images I wanted to post up here, well, I’m not ready yet. They’re not ready yet. Soonish. But …

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God of Thunder

Fuck yeah.

Blue Beetle by Mike Norton

This’n’s a bit different. There’s an awesome comic artist by the name of Mike Norton whose work you can find at Mike and I both have a love for Blue Beetle, and while doing a random google search for Blue Beetle art, I stumbled upon this con-sketch Mike had done for someone: I thought …

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Wanted to try a more traditional pen and ink illustrative style, with shadows and highlights, midtones, etc. Took a long time, especially for an impatient spastic like me. I did a lot of this while watching The Departed. Good film. Don’t know why it took so long to watch it. I even really liked Leonardo …

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I drew the original about two years ago, and thought I had lost it. Since I’ve recently discovered it again, I decided to colorize it. Then I decided the Variant Hulks needed representing. Dunno why. It was a time killer. I’m so alone.